Colours Of Pakistan




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11 days

Tour Type

  • Quality4
  • Location5
  • Amenities5
  • Services5


(Amazing tour to Pakistan. Study the history and culture of ancient places)


Quaid-i-Azam – Karachi – Thatta – Hyderabad – Sehwan – Larkana – Mohenjo-daro – Sukkur – Bahawalpur – Multan – Harappa – Lahore – Khewra Salt mines – Islamabad – Taxila – Islamabad


  • Pick and Drop Services
  • 2 Meal Per Day
  • Entrance Fees National Parks
  • Local Guide
  • Medical Support
  • Jeeps
  • Airport Taxes And Airfares
  • Portage At Hotels And Airport
  • Portage Of Personal Luggage At – Fairy Meadows Portion Tips For Meals
  • Personal Insurances Of Participants / Luggage
  • Ruck Sack, Sleeping Bag, Crampon, Ice Axe, Walking Stick Etc.
  • Late Check Out, If Different From Standard Check Out Time
  • Laundry, Beverages & Phone Calls Or Other Expenses Of Personal Nature

Tour Amenities

Car Parking
Free Coupons
Laundry service
Outdoor Seating
Pick and drop
Wireless Internet

Tour Plan

Meet & assist on arrival and transfer to Hotel Overnight Karachi.
Full day sightseeing tour of Karachi – we shall start our tour with visit to National Museum of Pakistan– see the Indus valley gallery with rare steatite seals, pottery and bust chief priest(copy) and the famous Dancer(copy) – later see exclusive Gandhara Art gallery with some rare statues from various sites and the Ethnic gallery. Later proceed to the mausoleum of Quaid-i-Azam–Father of the nation, Empress Market–see the daily products being sold in the bazaar. Lunch at local restaurant–Chinese Food Later visit Frere Hall and Mohatta Palace and drive to Clifton beach Dinner at local restaurant in Clifton Overnight Karachi.
Early morning departure for Hyderabad – our first stop en-route will be at Chaukundi to see an interesting necropolis–see the carvings on the yellow stone slabs are of great interest. Afterwards continue further and take an off the road to visit the site of Bhanbore – the site which represented the ancient port on the Indus river near the sea – Bhanbore site dates from 1st BC of Scytho-Parthian period – this could be the same site where Alexander the Great sent his naval expedition to find the mouth of Indus river. Continue further to Thatta Patalene of the classical writers, at the time of Alexander the Great’s invasion this was busy port town but we can reckon this town even as early as 2500 BC and could have been used but the people of Indus Valley Civilization by travelling on the sea to other ports in the region. Visit Makli Hills–to see the largest necropolis of the world. See excellent tombs with exquisite carving in different designs–flora and geometric. These tombs are from different dynastic periods starting from 15th century AD Lunch at local restaurant or picnic Proceed to Hyderabad and on arrival transfer to Hotel Time permitting we shall drive through the town to the Fort area. Dinner and overnight Hyderabad.
Early morning departure for Larkana en-route stop at Hala – known for its blue pottery we shall visit a local pottery store and if possible see a workshop. Later continue to Bhit Shah– following the Sufi trail – the villages and towns revere greatly the famous Sufi poets and Saints living by Indus river towns. Visit the Shrine of Sufi Scholar Shah Abudul Latif Bhitai 1792 AD is buried in an exclusive tomb with best of local tile Work. His poetry is known and revered throughout the region with mistrals singing in the streets of these villages you see en-route. Later continue to Sehwan crossing river Indus we shall then drive along right bank of the river to reach Sehwan–a city whose romance is seen in the air with songs of our Sufi Patron Saint Shahbaz Qalandar who lived in 13th century AD little after the invasion of Mongols. We shall visit the exquisite mausoleum of the great saint which is thronged by local folks. The atmosphere around is very interesting as you see people from different walks of life paying respect at the tomb of the saint. Lunch at local restaurant. Later proceed to Larkana with occasional stops at interesting stops we shall arrive in late afternoon or evening and transfer to Hotel Dinner and overnight Hyderabad.
Morning depart for Moenjodaro – the famous Indus valley site 2500BC is the best preserved On arrival visit the site – see the main stupa dating from 2nd to 5th AD but the ancient site is far interesting – visit the Great Bath, the Granary, town planning, houses and streets with well laid out plan in burnt brick. Later visit the site museum of Mohenjo-daro – see more collection of seals, the toys, the pottery and ewelry.Lunch at local restaurant Later depart for Sukkur via Khairpur – we shall make a brief stop at a local market see the date fruit sellers in traditional places – this is wonderful experience to see yet another day among the local folks later continue to Sukkur and on arrival transfer to Inter-Pak Inn by the river Indus Dinner and overnight Sukkur.
Morning depart for Bahawalpur en-route we may encounter some nomadic or gypsy movement which usually are travelling a lot at this time of the year. It will be interesting to meet them while they are on the move. later take an off the road visit of Uch Sharif – the site of Alexandria on the Indus.Uch is famous point where nearby five rivers join together and which was mentioned by the classical writers in 2nd BC – here Alexander the Great faced local Indian uprising and captured the fortress – this was the point where he decided to return to his home land after the mutiny as his soldiers refused to go further. Well we cannot see the 2nd century BC of anything except much later period tombs. We shall see the tomb of Bibi Jawindi, an Iranian princess and daughter of local ruler. The tomb is partially destroyed by the river but it is worth seeing with its deep blue tile work and Persian influence which we shall see among many monuments in the region Lunch at local restaurant Later continue to Bahawalpur and on arrival transfer to Hotel Dinner and overnight.
Morning excursion to Fort Derawar in Cholistan Desert – to see one of the great fort which was part of many forts built in Rajasthan which is extension of now what is Cholistan desert in Pakistan. We shall visit the 9th century Derawar Fort with its extensive area which is inhabited by local folks adding great color to the place – we shall also visit the Moti or the Pearl Mosque in white marble is worth seeing Later return to Bahawalpur town – Lunch at local restaurant Depart for Multan – on arrival transfer to Hotel Later we shall visit the mausoleum of Shah Rukne Alam – this colossal building is of great interest in architecture and design in basic Central Asian and Persian character belongs to famous Sufi Saint dates from 14th AD. Shah Ruknuddin Abul Fateh(Shah Rukne Alam) was from a great Sufi family of Suharwardiyya order. The tomb is situated on a vintage point and will be worth photography in afternoon sun light Also visit the local bazaar. Time permitting, we shall also visit the mausoleum of the Grand Father and spiritual mentor of Shah Rukne Alam, Bahauddin Zakariya Dinner and overnight.
Early morning, we shall depart for Lahore – en-route we shall make visit of Harappa archaeological site of oldest Indus Valley site 2500 BC. We shall visit the site of a bronze age period site of great importance which had contacts with all nearby sites of the period. The city had well laid out plan with a protective wall situated on high platform - worth seeing is the city plan, the workers platforms and the general plan from a high point later visit the nearby Archaeological Museum with display of various arte facts from the site. We shall also visit the local Railway Station of great importance – as during early days of British rule the bricks were needed which were taken from Harappa site not knowing that they were building a station from 500BC old bricks!!!! Later travel to Faisalabad town for lunch at local restaurant Afterwards continue to Lahore and on arrival transfer to Hospitality Inn Dinner at local restaurant Overnight at Lahore.
Full day sightseeing tour of great Moghul City of Lahore – we shall start our tour by visiting Lahore Museum – one of the best in the region. We shall see the Gandhara gallery–see the Famous Fasting Buddha – dates from 1st BC or 1st AD is one of the rare sculpture of its nature and the other is in Peshawar museum. See all the galleries of Lahore Museum. Later visit Badshahi Mosque constructed by last of the celebrated Moghul King Aurangzeb. Later visit Lahore Fort – this one of the best Moghul monument where we can see development stages of Moghul architecture – highlights are Baradari – the Hall of audience with its red sandstone buildings built by Akbar the Great, later see Jehangir’s Palace area with ponds and gardens, Dewan-i-Khas – Hall of private audience built by Shah Jehan, the builder king of the Great Moghuls. Later visit Shah Jehan’s private palace area – the Naulakha pavilion overlooking the view of the mosque and the nearby area. Worth seeing is Shishmahal – the mirror palace hall which was exclusive with décor in murals on the walls. Later we shall depart the fort via Feelpa – Elephants foot stairs note the mosaic work on the walls. We shall then proceed to local restaurant for Lunch Afterwards visit Shalimar Gardens – the best time to see in the afternoon with reflecting lights on the marble pavilions and the ponds is a great photographic sight. Later depart for Old city the walled city and walk through its interesting lanes is great experience – see the Golden Mosque and Wazir Khan’s mosque – we shall then depart via Delhi gate Later visit Anarkali Bazaar – see the great sight of local folks in the market Dinner at local restaurant Overnight Lahore.
Take an early breakfast departing for Khewra Mines – we shall be restricted to few stops en-route due long distances. On arrival at the Mines Headquarters will be lunch time – we shall have lunch at the Guest House afterwards proceed to the mines – this will be very interesting excursion into the mines which date back from 325 BC when Alexander the Great’s soldier mentioned about these mines as their horses licked the stones (salt stones) the proper mining started during the British rule and then it continues till to this date. There are some interesting monument models in pure salt even there is one section for medical treatment as is common is such mines. Late we shall proceed to Islamabad via Ketas Raj – medieval Hindu period monuments. Continue to Islamabad and on arrival transfer to Hotel Dinner at local restaurant – Overnight.
Morning excursion to Taxila archaeological site dating from 6th BC to 6th AD – Visit Archaeological sites of First City Bhir mound, later proceed to Sirkap – the second city in typical Greek planning – see the shrine of Double Headed Eagle. Afterwards proceed to Jaulian Buddhist monastery ruins dating from 2nd to 5th AD – see the well preserved stupas and the monastery in best of stone architecture. Later return to see Taxila Archaeological Museum – worth seeing is the sculpture in stucco and stone. Taxila had more stucco and mud sculpture. See the strong room with jewelry and coins – the famous stele in Aramaic script throws light on the origin of local script Khoroshti dates from 5th BC afterwards return to Islamabad – lunch at local restaurant afternoon Islamabad sightseeing visit Folk Heritage Museum, Shakerparian Hills, and later drive through important buildings of Islamabad and Faisal Mosque Farewell Dinner at local restaurant Later transfer to airport for your departure flight Assistance on departure.Price will depend on Hotel Star ratings etc.


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